Our yards are wonderful places of possibility.


What if your yard required less effort? What if mowing was…optional? What if you had a garden full of native flowers beloved by local wildlife as well as people?

Our yards are where we go to relax, find beauty, and share nature with our loved ones. But they can also create so much work for us while offering so little ecological benefit. Why do we work so hard to maintain monoculture lawns? Why do we still use gardening methods that are harmful to our pollinating insects?

 As an ecological landscape consultant and designer, I can offer you a better way. I work with clients who want environmentally friendly yards that:

  • Don’t take precious Saturdays to mow, rake, or leaf blow,

  • Showcase beautiful native plants,

  • Provide critical habitat for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife, and

  • Are a joy to spend time in.

Whether you are looking to retire your lawn mower permanently, keep plants alive for more than one season, or find a solution for that giant muddy spot in your backyard, I can help.

Why landscape consulting?

Many homeowners can’t afford to pay for a full landscape plan, or the cost of someone installing that plan. And many landscaping companies simply install whatever plants are least expensive at the nursery, without regard for their ecological benefits. I work with homeowners who want to be part of the process and are willing to do much of the physical work themselves, they just need guidance on what to do so their time and money are well spent. Instead of simply handing over a plan for someone else to install, I work side-by-side with my clients to help them understand how to create and maintain a vibrant, sustainable living landscape in their own yards. For more information, please visit the “Services" page.


Blue vervain (Verbena hastata)


Learn more about how I can help you create a sustainable, beautiful yard.

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Lance leaf coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata)


Natural history, sustainability, ecology--just outside your door.

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